Program areas at Frontline Response International
Anti-sex trafficking program - out of darkness, our anti-sex trafficking department,combats sex trafficking by providing holistic, individualized and trama-informed care to adult victims of commercial sexual exploitation through a seamless continum of services including outreach, jail mentorship, 24-hour hotline, safe home service and long-term care on behalf of victims. In 2022, atlanta street outreach and strip club encounters had 910 encounters, 61 women were mentored across 3 different atlanta jails and conducted 486 visits. The hotline received 2,141 calls for assistance and conducted 118 rescues out of sex trafficking. 49 of survivors of sex trafficking and exoitation have entered long-term programming. The anti-trafficking Ohio had 1,778 visits to the drop in center and had 245 letters to women in jail. The hotline received 1,23 calls for assistance and conducted 45 rescues out of sex trafficking.
Homelessness program - we address homelessness through weekly outreaches, support lines, case management services, long-term program placement and homeward bound assistance. Our homelessness department is not a homeless shelter. Instead, the goal is to tangibly move individuals experiencing homelessness from vulnerability to stability by conneting them to critical community resources with over 50 strategic partners that restore personal dignity. In 2022, we served 15,800 meals, received an average of 27 support line calls per day on our support line, provided 215 individuals with case management services and placements that resulted in them leaving the streets. They utilized the move into long-term programs or housing solutions like homeward-bound assistance. In december of 2022, we lanuched a warming center that was open 12 nights and had 92 intakes in the first month.
Youth prevention program - with the ultimate goal of preventing children between the ages of 3-12 from becoming trapped in sex trafficking or homelessness, our youth prevention department engages in outreaches, mentorship and adademic programming in communities that have been strategically identified as having some of the greatest need. Through these programs, we partner with children and families to cultivate positive relationships, reduce harm and focus on the future. In 2022, there were 463 children engaged through our neighborhood kids in four communities, 37 individual children were mentored through our group mentorship progra m and 29 were tutored. There were 650 foodboxes depolyed. We had 22 kids practicing healthy coping skills and there were 19 reports of kids using safety skills learned in programming.