Program areas at Attack Poverty
Disaster Recovery team responded to several weather related disasters, with the help of volunteers completing home repairs for homes using fund grants.
We are a global organization that serves locally, adopting pockets of poverty and launching what we call 'friends locations'. These communities are long term commitments that require mutual relationships and collaborative efforts with local organizations, churches, residents, and stakeholders committed to community transformation. Overall we worked with 1,789 unique volunteers serving 40,661 volunteer hours, impacting 17,046 individuals. Asia held summer camps for youth to expand their knowledge, to build up biblical characters through songs and dances and other fun activities within government-imposed restrictions. These camps are being received with growing enthusiasm from both parents and children. We continue to receive positive feedback and gratitude for our clean water project. In India, our team visited and prayed for widows and the sick - people were baptized, others are renewing their faith and more are joining the Church. They visited districts to share the love of God with people. In education, through some sponsorships, children are at university, in nursing, in Bible college and in ITI college. In Uganda, for Rushere Christian High School, we continue to support students and teachers. Students were provided with study materials, empowering them to continue with their education and regain their confidence. We were able to serve households with food, beans, salt and soap as support. Domestically, we addressed spiritual growth through, community prayer walks, Bible studies, Thanksgiving, Christmas and other holiday family events, evangelizing, praying and caring for members of the community, church services and baptisms. For mission week, activities ranged from bike rides, basketball and soccer camps, adult hangouts, kids VBS style camp, community reunions and prayer walks. We met basic needs such as providing for food, water, vaccines, among other things.
Our social enterprise, mercy goods, continues to grow and help teens stay in school while learning a trade.
Uganda - provide food, prayer, hope to families
India orphanage - provide shelter & education
East asia - summer camps for children