Program areas at Auburn Mountainview Booster Club
Support of athletic programs for approx 200 athletes including sending athletes to tournaments, purchases of uniforms, supplies and equipment, including soccer balls, chutes & board, pads, video equipment and camera for football, golf bags, referee fees and supervision for summer league for boys basketball, team bonding activities such as team meals, as well as helping pay costs for athletic awards banquets. Supported cheer with choreography for competitions. Supported amhs athletes with out of town travel expenses for competitions including cheer competition and golf to state playoffs.
Provided a safe, fun, drug and alcohol-free all-night activity for graduating seniors the night of graduation. Graduation ceremonies are at 11:00 am. Students check in about early evening. Transportation is provided from amhs, and students are returned to amhs the next morning. The details of this event have always been a surprise to our seniors. Seniors contribute to the cost of this event. 100+ attended this year. Some assistance was offered to offset cost of attending for those with established need.
Awarded general school wide and specific program scholarships for post-secondary education totaling $9,800 ranging from $200 to $800 to 29 graduating seniors.provided support with annual $500 donation to the local Auburn food bank and with christmas meals by helping 30 amhs families with $50 gift cards for christmas meals and thanksgiving meal boxes. Donated $1,000 or $200 each to five amhs families with family member passing and a home fire. Supported cancer family, invest ed, and supported other activities, including prom, camp Auburn tshirts, and staff appreciation.
Supported band providing supplies and senior gifts.supported orchestra, provided transportation payments for universal trip. Supported theater programming by providing licensing and performance fees.