Program areas at Aurora of Central New York
Interpreter referral - the majorie clere interpreter referral service (mcirs) is under the direction of a nationally certified interpreter who coordinates the provision of highly skilled and certified sign language interpreters for a 13 county area across Central New York. A full range of language preferences are provided by professional interpreters, including american sign language (asl), signed english, grassroots (minimal language system), oral and tactile (deaf/blind) signing. Typical assignment sites include: college (all levels of study), medical, seminars, conferences, artistic performances (concerts/plays), legal, and political forums.
Blind/deaf social work - at any age or stage of life, a loss of vision or hearing can impact overall well-being and personal confidence. Aurora's services provide the individualized support, instruction and equipment needed to maintain the highest level of independence possible.
Va medical center switchboard - Aurora managed the operations and provided services for the veterans administration medical center switchboard unit. Aurora recruited, trained, developed and evaluated staff in the provision of switchboard operator services.
Other program services that improved the quality of life of the blink &visually impaired, and deaf & hard of hearing.