Program areas at Autism Society of Greater Akron
Asga has 5 core service areas with its programs and services. In 2023, we served some 33,000 individuals with Autism, their families, and professionals who live in our service area of medina, portage, stark, summit and wayne counties. In a year that we experienced unprecedented growth, we're proud that we empowered our community more than ever with resources, support, education and connections. Helpline inquiries nearly doubled this year, providing information and referrals to local services for more individuals, parents/guardians, and professionals. Our online parent support group grew by over 500 people, connecting to each for resources and sharing information.
As a member of the Autism Society of Ohio, a collaboration of the six Ohio affiliates of the Autism Society of america, asga worked with the Ohio state legislature to pass a bill to expand the silver alert. Now named the "missing adult alert," this program now includes people with Autism or other mental impairments. The alert system is designed to coordinate the information to the media and public in a timely manner to help find people who are in danger and is run by the Ohio attorney general's office. Asga continues to raise awareness and acceptance of Autism by joining the Autism Society of america and its fellow affiliates across the country, in april, Autism acceptance month, to advocate for improved services and programs to support individuals with Autism.
Asga's social clubs for all ages expanded, including twice as many club members as 2022. These clubs are free for attendees and are supported by grants and donations. Members reported less isolation and a Greater sense of friendship and social opportunities from meetings, which professionals facilitate. First responders in our community will be trained in understanding Autism thanks to receiving our first federal grant from the department of justice. Adapted family inclusive events grew by 32%, connecting more families in a safe and supportive environment. A milestone of providing almost 4,000 water safety lessons was achieved as part of our water safety program, and once again we held a bike camp, teaching individuals of all abilities how to ride a bicycle.