Program areas at B / A Maine Summer Camps
Junior Maine Guide Training Program: Trains youth in outdoor living skills. In addition, the training and testing also fosters confidence and leadership skills, collaboration and team-building opportunities, and a profound commitment to environmental stewardship. Over 2,700 individuals have earned the Junior Maine Guide certification since the program's inception. The value of the Junior Maine Guide training, long-known to participants and instructors, can benefit an even broader population of youngsters.
In-Person meetings, Programs, Workshops, Virtual Meetings and Webinars; Provided meeting programs, workshops and resources for training camp leadership.
Maine's Directory of Children's Organized Camps; Publishes a directory of Maine children's camps for teachers, parents, and service workers.
Job Search Engine - Provide member camps the opportunity to access a job search and managment operations consulting site.Job Fair - Each summer, youth camps across Maine hire more than 13,000 employees, the majority of whom are college students. The job fair allows individuals to build their resume, advance their skills and serve as a vital role model for kids who need community more than ever. Camp Fair - Gives families the chance to meet camp staff and explore different camp options. Grants - Provide financial support to the ACA New England fund for the future and a campership for an individual under an LL Bean Grant. Level Ground - Seeks to provide summer youth camp opportunities, free of charge, to immigrant and refugee children from whom such experiences would otherwise be unavailabe.