Program areas at Baldwin County Education Coalition
Invest-seek program grants & funding to implement best pratices and meet the needs of bald co public schools. As a charitable nonprofit, we are able to meet funding needs where public funds cannot. We accomplish this by hosting an annual golf classic fundraiser, annual sponsors & investors, & program grants through local foundations. Our funding efforts have provided professional development for guided reading, guided reading materials for teachers, the 7 strengths library for every 2nd, 3rd & 4th grade classroom, & supports our newest initiative to provide essential items to every school care closet. Items range from school supplies, hygiene, clothing, health, household & snacks. Counselors submit monthly orders online,volunteers fulfill the orders & the districts warehouse personnel deliver orders directly to each school. Provide scholarships to qualifying students seeking a degree in Education and to current educators seeking to advance in their career.
Elevate recognize excellence and provide professional development opportunities to increase capacity of our partners.lead annual standards for excellence in nonprofit board governance training for all Baldwin County annual teacher of the year banquet to recognize each schools oustanding educator. Sponsor the employee of the month program to recognize outstanding employees of the district.
Inform/engage/advocate create awareness and support for the district and connect all citizens to our public annual learning forums: Education summit/leadership forumfacilitate community advisory groups: business advisory council, community advisory task force, strategic plan steering committeecoordinate baldwins partners in Education program nationally validated program connecting students, teachers and administrators with business, government, volunteer and civic leaders. Increase volunteers in each of Baldwin countys 43 schools through online registration portals.coordinated efforts for Baldwin County to obtain certification as a work ready community. Launched the faith based initiative to establish formal partnerships between churches and the schools in their local communities - 62 fbi partners are supporting 18 schools. Provide a unified voice on state and local policy issues related to Education and nonprofits