Program areas at Baptist Memorial Hospital Tipton
Baptist Memorial hospital-tipton, Inc. Provides quality medical health care regardless of race, creed, sex, national origin, handicap, or age. Although reimbursement for services rendered is critical to the operation and stability of Baptist Memorial hospital-tipton, Inc., it is recognized that not all individuals possess the ability to purchase essential medical services, and further, that our mission is to serve the community with respect to providing health care services and health care education. Therefore, in keeping with its commitment to serve all members of its community, Baptist Memorial hospital-tipton, Inc. Provides the following:- free care and/or subsidized care where the need and/or an individual's inability to pay coexist,- care provided to persons covered by governmental programs at below cost, and- health activities and programs to support the community.these activities include wellness programs, community education programs, and special programs for the elderly, handicapped, medically underserved, and a variety of broad community support activities.the largest program services provided the following for the fiscal year ended september 30, 2023:- the oncology department performed 254,110 procedures at a cost of $153,905,675.- the er department had 22,923 patient visits at a cost of $2,352,941.- the radiology department performed 41,351 procedures at a cost of $2,239,185.- the nursing/surgery/labor and delivery department had 326 births, performed 304 surgeries, and had 3,644 patient days at a cost of $8,101,938. During the fiscal year ended september 30, 2023, Baptist Memorial hospital-tipton, Inc. Provided services for 1,370 inpatients and more than 115,552 outpatients.baptist Memorial hospital-tipton, Inc. Provides care to persons covered by governmental programs from which the hospital receives payment at less than market value reimbursement. Recognizing its mission to the community, services are provided to medicare, medicaid and uninsured patients. To the extent reimbursement is below cost, Baptist Memorial hospital-tipton, Inc. Recognizes these amounts as charity care in meeting its mission to the entire community. During the fiscal year ended september 30, 2023, the unreimbursed value of providing care to these patients was $395,446, care is also provided through many reduced-price services and free programs offered throughout the year based upon activities and services that Baptist Memorial hospital-tipton, Inc. Believes will serve a bona fide community health addition, Baptist Memorial hospital-tipton, Inc. Provided education programs to the public on a periodic basis. Breast cancer awareness - during october, the mammography patients received promotional educational materials as well as giveaways to promote awareness. Ads are run in the covington leader to encourage women to get mammograms.nursing students from dyersburg state come to Baptist Memorial hospital-tipton, Inc. to complete their clinical rotations. Students also come from concorde to receive training in the lab, respiratory therapy, radiology and pharmacy.baptist Memorial hospital-tipton, Inc. Provided direct support to the following organizations:- american hospital association- Tennessee hospital association- tipton covington chamber of commerce- south tipton chamber of commerce- carl perkins child abuse prevention center- munford high school- covington high school- law enforcement for tipton- 901 petals of purpose - breast cancer give awaybaptist Memorial hospital-tipton, Inc. Provided the following activities in the community:- career day at high school- united way- health fairs - community advisory board- adult total leadership- tipton county health department- tipton county health council- boys and girls club- celebrate munford- national drug takeback day