Program areas at Barren River Area Child Advocacy Center
The mission of the Center is to reduce trauma to Child abuse victims by providing on safe, Child friendly location where teams of professionals work together to pursue justice and provide treatment. As such, the Center is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) agency that was developed toprovide specialized services to victims of Child sexual abuse and to track and advocate for those children as they move through the "system". The goals of the intervening agents are to work through a multidisclipinary team of professionals (law enforcement, Child protection services, and prosecuting attorneys, at a minimum) to protect the Child from additional harm, to provide crisis intervention counseling and/or treatment for the children and camily, to minimize any further trauma to the Child, to protect society from the offender, and to hold the offender accountable for his/her actions. The Center provides the following core services to Child victims from age birth to 17 year: crisis intervention, support and case management, forensic interviews, comprehensive Child sexual abuse medical examinations, mental health counseling, treatment and referral, court preparation and support, and many other personal Advocacy services. The Center is by design centrally located in bowling green (warren county) but responds and provides all services to children and families living in allen, Barren, butler, edmonson, hart, logan, metcalfe, monroe, simpson, and warren counties on a first come, first serve basis and at no charge to the Child's family. The Center has been a full member of the Kentucky association of children's Advocacy centers since january 2001, an associate member of the national children's alliance since october 2002, and an accredited member of the national children's alliance since october 2009. The Center is in good standing with both organizations and all current funding sources.