Program areas at BAN
Electronics stewardship: we continue to spur market incentives and encourage socially and environmentally conscious behavior in responsible electronics reuse and recycling worldwide through our e-stewards program. Our e-stewards advance+ program is an initiative focused on providing jobs for individuals with autism and other disabilities while creating bottom-line benefits for certified e-stewards. Our commercial tracking program, eartheye, provides major corporations with a due diligence and legal compliance tool for their e-waste.
Basel convention advocacy: the Basel convention remains a beacon for environmental justice for one of the most difficult issues facing the world today. Ban actively supports delegates from less developed countries in promoting the Basel ban amendment and fight a powerful opposition with a stake in the status quo.
Green ship recycling: working in a coalition with the ngo shipbreaking platform, we seek to attack the root of human rights abuse and environmental injustice in the economic engine of the shipping industry. We continue our work to ensure that ship recycling moves off the beaches of south asia and is conducted following international law and in a manner that protects human rights and the environment.
Plastic pollution prevention: within three strategic areas (tracking, movement building, and policy implementation), ban will spearhead the bffp movement's response to the international plastic waste trade. We aim to gather vital and unique data for tracking and exposing the plastic waste trade using our pioneering gps tracking system. We launched a large-scale plastic waste transparency project in 2021 in north america to raise awareness on waste trade trends. In addition, we are active members of the Basel convention's plastic waste partnership and hope to carry out regional tracking projects with multiple Basel regional centers. This data will assist these regions in controlling and managing their waste trade, by helping them understand how much is happening, where it comes from, where it goes, the likely legality of it, and assess whether the final management of the waste is esm or not.