Program areas at BEOF
To empower families and nurture and educate young children between the ages of 3 and 5. The program is a comprehensive medical, dental, psychological, nutritional as well as educational program. Beof head start partners with communities of underprivileged children in Bayonne, nj. To address the needs of special needs children, the beof offers an on-site inclusion program in cooperation with the Bayonne board of education. During the 2023-24 school year there were 162 children enrolled in the head start program, including 9 children with disabilities. During the year the program received $503,654 in in-kind support, including rent from Bayonne city and various contributed educational and professional services.
Administer and facilitate the city of Bayonne's community development block grant program.providing a zero interest deferred loan for low to moderate income home owners to make code, health and safety repairs to owner occupied houses.the majority of the homes in Bayonne are more than 50 years old, this beneficial service is an investment home and the city safer as well as successfully providing a better quality of life.
To provide assistance to low-income individuals and families in need. Some of the other services offered to eligible residents of Bayonne city include: weatherization assistance, energy assistance, nutritious meals served at two nutrition sites, meals-on-wheels, transportation for elderly and/or handicapped residents, homeless prevention, fair housing, and community outreach. During the year the program received $978,908 in in-kind support