Program areas at Beach Park Womens Club
Education includes general membership meetings with guest speakers presenting on various topics. Education is conducted by guest speakers during monthly meetings led by bpwc president at the historic clubhouse at 801 s westshore boulevard, tampa, fl 33609. Education is funded through membership dues. Guest speakers educate our community of women by sharing expertise on topics such as public affairs, healthcare, human trafficking and community development.
Historic preservation includes maintenance and restoration of an original 1923 mediterranean revival structure owned by the organization. Repair and restoration work is conducted by bpwc members. When projects require skilled tradesman or craftsman, that work is overseeen by bpwc members. The work is conducted at 801 s westshore boulevard, tampa, Florida. Maintenance and restoration efforta are funded through membership dues, donations and a portion of proceeds from fundraising activities.
Philanthophy includes providing support to local organizations through monetary donations or food and clothing drives. Philanthropy is conducted by pbwc members and local community during a holiday event in Beach Park, tampa, Florida. Philanthrophy is funded through donations made by members and people attending a holiday event. The event raises awareness of local organizations and increases support for unmet needs in the community.
Community betrerment, protection and beautification includes maintaining/improving grouds of 801 s westshore boulevard, advocating for safety of residents and community, and advocating for preservation of vegetation tree canopy throught Beach Park. Bpwc membership conducts activity or oversees activity at Beach Park, tampa, Florida. This activity is funded through membership dues. Efforts to advocate for safety, beautify grounds, and preserve neighborhood vegetation improves the neighborhood of Beach Park and the tampa bay community.