Program areas at Belle W Baruch Foundation
Property management- expenses incurred to preserve the historical buildings and 17,500 acre research reserve in georgetown sc. Expenses include forest mgmt., ins., payroll, equipment cost, utilities, building maintenance, and historic preservation.
Visitors center- expenses incurred to conduct educational programs through the center. Expenses include ins., payroll, utilities, bldg., maintenance and program supplies. Programs and exhibits on various environmental, historic and research topics for all age groups. 16,547 individuals visited the discovery center during the tax year.
Research- direct funding to support research and education at hobcaw barony by other institutions operating in south carolina. Expenses include grants made to other organizations as well as expenses incurred by the Foundation to support programs.
Nominal admission fees are charged for property tours to observe and receive education in regard to forestry, wildlife, flora and fauna in south carolina.
Incidental income from harvesting timber in regard to a comprehensive resource management plan to promote healthy timber and to provide an appropriate habitat for endangered species.