Program areas at Bello Machre
Residential service program: Bello Machre welcomed four new people into residential services. Two of our new residents transitioned form their family homes, and the other two transitioned from our personal supports program. The otis home was fully renovated to a fully accessible home to replace an older, three-person home. Bello Machre opened the opel home a new, fully accessible home to replace an older, four-person home. The average age of a person in residential services is now 53 years old, the oldest being 86 years young. Currently, 27 of our homes have a whole house generator system for outages and emergency preparedness.
Community services: continued to provide a comprehensive experience for all people in community services through the personal supports and meaningful day programs. Personal supports: successfully, completed the pcis2 to ltss transition for all personal supports services. The program supported 114 people through our personal supports anne arundel, baltimore county and carroll county with in-person and virtual services based on the persons needs and preferences. Bello Machre provided 100 hours of emergency support to a participant whose mother and sole caregiver was undergoing cancer treatment. Despite the pandemic, the program provided 74,438 hours of service.meaningful day: Bello Machre provided meaningful day services to 76 people (51 in aa co. and 25 in cc co). 31 individuals are employed in the community with some of our great business partners (sc logic, the state of Maryland, safeway, food lion, cinemark egyptian 24 & xd, mr. carwash, snavely's forestry, walmart, carroll county public schools, carroll county district court house, fairhaven assisted living, code ninja, boscov's, royal farms, ihop, olive garden, and allied universal security). Volunteer partnerships were cultivated with: the orphan grain train, backpack buddies, habitat for humanity, restore, community aid, carroll county humane society, the ivy woods feline sanctuary, mount airy library, and tomlin technologies. Bello Machre became a vendor for people self-directing their services generating an additional $11,441.76 in new revenue supporting three people under this new model. The program supported 14 people through the division of rehabilitation services (dors), generating $22,108 in additional revenue and offered educations support, travel training, and job placement services.
The jesse and hertha adams ray of hope program provided 312 days of respite care and served 17 families. This may include specialized summer camp, physical therapy, and adaptive equipment expenses. Bello Machre helps families with whatever challenges they may face during hospitalizations, emergencies, and vacations - 24-hours a day - seven days a week.
Individual support services:bello Machre understands the daily challenges faced by many families. Together they develop a plan identifying needs and finding resources through our family and support services program. Whether planning for a child just entering pre-school or needing in-home care for a family member who is aging, our dedicated and trained team helps every step of the way. The program also provides personal assistance including, but not limited to, helping families care for their children, providing transportation, purchasing and administering medication, initiating and navigating state funding, and buying medical accessories and equipment. Bello Machre also helps families through the application process - providing education about the ins-and-outs of the system. Its support services team provides case management including referral services, resource coordination, and advocacy.