Program areas at Bethel New Life
West side forwardwest side forward is comprised of the following: small business development center - provides training events and workshops each year to over 350 participants, while supporting 225 businesses with counseling services. Entrepreneurship training program (etp) - highly selective 16-week program that provides training on business plans, marketing, financing, accounting, risk management, legal issues along with a year of personal mentoring from volunteer business leaders. Neighborhood business development center (nbdc) - supports 26 west side businesses through its business xcelerator initiative with concentrated efforts toward growth in revenue and income through technical assistance, coaching/ mentoring, workforce development assistance, and connections to bank resources and corporate supply chains. Advanced manufacturing training program - provides classes covering academic skills enhancement, employment readiness training, introduction to manufacturing training, and hard skills training leading to certification in cnc (computerized numerical control) and credentialing in cnc lathe and milling operations. Community asset building - provides homeownership workshops, pre-purchase housing counseling, foreclosure prevention counseling sessions, financial literacy and financial counseling services. Supports the community savings center, connecting residents with financial products and banking services. Family college - pilot two-generation model program that includes early literacy training and reading skills enhancement for children and employment readiness and workforce training for parents combined with peer networking, financial literacy, leadership, and family Life and problem-solving skills training. Head sprout - k-3rd grade educational enhancement service housed in a public school to help students improve their reading fluency and comprehension. Right start for families - a coordinated, home-based service delivery system to facilitate parenting education and the early identification of developmental delays for at-risk children aged 0-3 years old and their families.
Real estate and property managementthe real estate division consists of over 40,000 square feet commercial real estate servicing banks, universities, child care providers, health care clinic, and local ministries.
Senior housing servicesthe senior housing services program consists of: independent living - Bethel's three hud-supported affordable senior independent living developments (186 units) provide living solutions for elders looking for a healthy and safe environment. Supportive living - Bethel offers an affordable and supportive living community (85 units) that provides a variety of specialized services assisting residents to be as independent as they can be for as long as they can be.