Program areas at Bethlehem Baptist Church
The shelter (family life center) is a divinely positioned ministry where biblical principles are modeled, godly ideals are instilled, hope implanted, and trust embedded to meet the needs and opportunities of children, familes, and community members. We equip them through teaching, mentoring, advising, counseling, physical fitness, health/wellness, and community resource 2023, we served 459 residents (single women and families with children) and found permanent housing for 57. The shelter continues to accept new residents as a result of more effectively assisting residents getting permanently housed. Through case management, counseling, assisting with finding employment, and childcare the shelter provides a model of successfully operating not just a place to lie ones head, but a place where basic human needs are met.
THE CHURCH MINISTERS, SERVES, AND WORKS WITHIN THE MISSION STEPS TO ACCOMPLISH THE VISION.In the reporting period for the year of 2023, the membership of the church has grown by an addition of seventy-six (76) new members. Of the new members, twenty-two (22) have completed our new members orientation. We have baptized forty-five (45) new members for the year. Our motto is We Are Better Together of which, we solicit all members to become a part of one of the many church ministries. We believe each Christian has a gift which can be used for the edification of the entire church and for the glorification of God. To date, we are blessed to report all our new members have shown an eagerness to become an active part of the ministrys vision. In our efforts to help serve the community wherein we are located, we administer the following ministry efforts: once a week food pantry, once a week emergency food distribution, benevolence assistance, community violence intervention, and partnership with other community programs to help meet the needs of the people, where they are in life.