Program areas at Bethlehem Ministry
St. barthélémy school - Bethlehem Ministry supports the st. barthélémy school in terrier rouge, northeast department, haiti, which is operated by the haitian ngo espérance et vie. Most haitians are unable to received quality education past the 8th grade level because only 10% of education is funded by the haitian government. Ninety percent of education is provided through ngos, religious organizations, and communities. The school offers pre-school through baccalaureate education to approximately 1300 students, and provides them with school supplies, uniforms, daily hot meals, access to medical care and extracurricular activities, including music and sports. The school also provides professional development opportunities for its teaching staff and employees of approximately 100 people.
Espérance et vie - Bethlehem Ministry supports the haitian ngo, espérance et vie, in its efforts to provide various social services and in the communities of northeast haiti, including improved housing and food security. The ngo's operations include a farm which provides a secure source of food for the st. barthélémy school and the broader community. The ngo also provides emergency humanitarian relief to haitians facing hardships caused by natural disasters, civil unrest, covid-19 and other devastating events.
Clinique espérance et vie - Bethlehem Ministry supports the clinique espérance et vie, a medical clinic in terrier rouge, northeast department, haiti, which is operated by the haitian ngo espérance et vie. Services provided by the clinic include general medicine, dentistry, ophthalmology, and laboratory services, as well as a pharmacy. When travel to haiti is possible, visiting teams of medical practitioners also provide orthopedic and general surgery services. The clinic also offers public health education and outreach related to malnutrition, cholera, sexually transmitted diseases, and mosquito borne illnesses such as malaria, dengue and zika. All of these services and medicines are provided at low or no cost to haitians, most of whom make less than $2 per day.
Partner for people and place - Bethlehem Ministry supports partner for people and pace, a u.s. 501(c)(3), whose purpose is to reduce rural poverty in haiti through sustainable, environmentally restorative economic development. It operates the program jatrofa projenou (jp) in terrier rouge, haiti, a multifaceted agro-forestry, and economic development program that includes (1) reforestation and renewal of agriculturally depleted lands, training of farmers in best practices and on-going research in plant propagation and production, (2) manufacturing and marketing value-added products derived from agricultural products and (3) sponsoring apprenticeships that offer people the opportunity to learn marketable trades.