Program areas at Beyond Soccer
Beyond volley - volleyball instruction and club team play: Beyond Soccer offers volleyball programming for all ages through Beyond volley. Regular season activities include weekly practices, clinics, team-building activities, and club league play through a new partnership with u.s. volleyball. Volleyball camps and tournaments were offered in the summer and winter months.
Our off-the-field wraparound program support was reprioritized in fye21 with our office and program space relocation in december 2021. That meant a refocus on the following off-the-field program prioroties: academic overtime, or tutoring and college readiness support: Beyond Soccer has a large academic lab with cubicles, computers, and printers volunteers provided tutoring and college readiness support, helping students to succeed not only on the field but in the classroom as well. Most Beyond Soccer volunteers were engaged through the organization's partnership with nearby merrimack college. Health and wellness: utilizing Beyond Soccer's new teaching kitchen, participants were exposed to hands-on demonstrations and regular conversations focused on proper pre-and-post-game nutrition, the timing of meals, and adequate hydration through fuel for performance. Beyond Soccer also utilized its new multipurpose, turfed fitness space to offer regular workouts focused on strength, endurance, speed, and teambuilding. Beyond Soccer partners with boston children's hospital to administer pacer testing to track players' healthy fitness zones and the impact of the Beyond Soccer program on each player's overall health. Youth leadership and employment opportunities: Beyond Soccer annually engages 40-50 older participants and program alumni as coaches, mentors, and referees, providing them with valuable employment experiences in supported paid positions. This support includes coach training and first aid support. Each year, Beyond Soccer distributes between $65,000 - $100,000+ in youth wages.
Lawrence youth Soccer: Soccer instruction and team play: Beyond Soccer offered field-based programming for all ages. Regular season activities include weekly practices, team-building activities, essex county travel league games, and in-city play through lawrence youth Soccer in the spring and fall. Soccer camps were offered in the summer, with futsal (small-sided indoor Soccer) sponsored in the off-season.
Summer enrichment & other programs