Program areas at Big Brothers Big Sisters Of America
Agency Service, Support and Technology BBBSA provides support to its Affiliates through grants, training, Board development, marketing, compliance, and technology. Grants are awarded to Affiliates from foundations, corporate partners, and federal sources. Grants from BBBSA support allow the Affiliates to expand programs, start new programs, serve more populations, and strengthen the services they provide. With more than 250 Affiliates across the country, providing training on best practices, leadership, program development, and Board development is key to ensuring quality service across the Federation. Marketing support helps Affiliates safeguard the brand so it can endure into the future. BBBSA uses a nationwide database system that manages Big-Little matches and measures the impact on the children we serve.
Child Safety, Standards and Compliance BBBSA's top priority is child safety. Our nationally adopted standards are based on best practices in youth protection, and through our nationwide match management system, BBBSA monitors the Affiliate compliance with these standards.
Program Implementation In collaboration with Affiliates, BBBSA develops programs that allow us to provide mentoring services to more children and to strengthen those services and tools to evaluate our impact on the children we serve.