Program areas at Big Initiatives Incorporated
Reuse center program - the reuse center diverts reusable materials from the waste stream to provide new york city with a sustainable materials management and reuse option.
Organics outreach program - outreach program promotes city of new york composting, zero waste and environmental programs. We do this by going door to door to speak to residents, tabling at events, and hosting outreach events throughout the city.
Compost program - - our compost program works in partnership with the city of new york to collect food scraps and yard waste, compost the collected material and give the compost away to community greening groups and parks. The program reduces waste sent to landfills and incinerators, cuts climate change gas emissions and helps improve the soils of nyc to green the city.
The compost application program provides compost application, tree care events, and environmental educational Initiatives. The program activates the community, distributes compost, improves street tree beds, and collaborates with the new york city council to engage schools, community groups, business improvement districts and libraries in these environmental efforts.