EIN 61-1129707

Bingham Fund for Excellence in Teaching at Transylvania University

IRS 501(c) type
Num. employees
Year formed
Most recent tax filings
Bingham Fund for Excellence in Teaching at Transylvania University promotes teaching quality and development by providing faculty development grants, technology initiative expenses, and selection committee expenses. The fund offers various programs such as faculty salary supplements and related fringe benefits to achieve its mission of supporting the faculty of Transylvania University. Established in 1987, the Trust celebrates the human race's continual quest for knowledge and recognizes teachers' service as guides along the complex paths of education.
Related structure
Bingham Fund for Excellence in Teaching at Transylvania University is a subordinate organization under Transylvania University.
Also known as...
Bingham Fund for Excellence in Teaching at Transylvania Univ
Total revenues
Total expenses
Total assets
Num. employees

Program areas at Bingham Fund for Excellence in Teaching at Transylvania University

Faculty salary supplements and related fringe benefits
Faculty development grants, technology initiative expenditures and various selection committee expenses

Personnel at Bingham Fund for Excellence in Teaching at Transylvania University

Cody EmbryController
John Paul CoyleInterim Controller
Christopher H YoungChair / Trustee$0
Marc MathewsVice President for Finance
James G KenanChair$0

Financials for Bingham Fund for Excellence in Teaching at Transylvania University

RevenuesFYE 06/2023
Total grants, contributions, etc.$0
Program services$0
Investment income and dividends$2,060,376
Tax-exempt bond proceeds$0
Royalty revenue$0
Net rental income$0
Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets$851,163
Net income from fundraising events$0
Net income from gaming activities$0
Net income from sales of inventory$0
Miscellaneous revenues$0
Total revenues$2,911,539

Form 990s for Bingham Fund for Excellence in Teaching at Transylvania University

Fiscal year endingDate received by IRSFormPDF link
2023-062024-05-13990View PDF
2022-062023-05-10990View PDF
2021-062022-04-05990View PDF
2020-062021-04-06990View PDF
2019-062020-09-30990View PDF
...and 9 more Form 990s
Data update history
July 21, 2023
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2022
July 3, 2023
Updated personnel
Identified 1 new personnel
June 13, 2023
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2021
May 23, 2023
Updated personnel
Identified 5 new personnel
May 13, 2023
Received grants
Identified 1 new grant, including a grant for $2,000 from The Thomson Family Foundation / Thomson Joe M Ttee
Nonprofit Types
Grantmaking organizationsSchoolsChapter / child organizationsCharities
Endowed supportTax deductible donationsNo full-time employees
General information
300 N Broadway
Lexington, KY 40508
Metro area
Lexington-Fayette, KY
Fayette County, KY
(859) 233-8100
IRS details
Fiscal year end
Taxreturn type
Form 990
Year formed
Eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions (Pub 78)
NTEE code, primary
B80: Student Services and Organizations of Students
NAICS code, primary
813211: Grantmaking Foundations
Parent/child status
Subordinate organization
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