Program areas at Bismarck State College Foundation
The BSC Foundation Grant Program makes dollars available to BSC staff, faculty, and student organizations to fund a wide variety of projects. Emphasis is given to innovative teaching and creative learning projects. A wide variety of teaching and demonstration equipment, travel for groups, campus presenters, performing art events, guest lecturers, consulting services, research, and other innovative projects have been supported through the Grants Program. Grants are awarded by the Board of Trustees Programs Committee.Student Housing:The Foundation leases two residence halls to Bismarck State College. Ritchie Hall and Gate City Hall, co-educational apartment style residence halls, have a total capacity of 128 students.
Student Recognition:Outstanding Student Awards are given to the students selected by faculty in each of BSC's programs and departments. These outstanding students receive a certificate and $50 cash award from BSC Foundation.Phi Theta Kappa is an international two-year college honor society. Students nominated for membership have maintained an accumulative grade point average of 3.5 or better and have completed 15 semester hours in residence at BSC applicable to an associate degree. The Phi Theta Kappa receives a paid initiation fee for membership, a pin, and a certificate from the BSC Foundation. They are honored at the BSC Recognition Ceremony with a certificate from the BSC Foundation.Employee RecognitionYears of Service: To acknowledge the contributions BSC faculty and staff make to the excellence of education, the Foundation sponsors a recognition program for employees. Employees are awarded gift cards and certificates beginning with five years of service and are honored with each five-year increment.BSC Faculty and Staff Awards for Excellence: Previously known as the Faculty and Staff Achievement Awards, this Foundation-sponsored program has been revamped to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to be recognized, through this prestigious award, for their outstanding contributions to Bismarck State College. To publicly recognize the Award for Excellence recipients, they are announced at BSC's award ceremony in the spring. As before, two faculty award recipients will each receive $1,000 and two staff award recipients will each receive $1,000. Since 2001, an adjunct faculty and a part-time staff member are recognized, and each receives a $250 award.
The BSC Foundation is committed to the encouragement and support of academic excellence. Through the support of many generous benefactors, the BSC Foundation is able to budget over $1,000,000 in scholarship awards to over 700 students. Scholarships are available to both incoming freshmen and sophomores. Receiving other scholarships will not disqualify applicants from receiving BSC Foundation scholarships.The BSC Foundation scholarship program was established for the purpose of attracting and retaining students of outstanding ability and potential, regardless of gender, race, creed or national origin. Scholarships are awarded by the Board of Trustees Programs Committee.
Jack FellowshipThe BSC Jack Fellowship Program has been established to fund sabbatical leaves for a Bismarck State College employee to engage in an educational experience that ultimately benefits BSC and the students it serves. The Fellowship is intended to partially underwrite the salary and/or expenses of the employee during the sabbatical. Each Fellowship will be a monetary award of up to $25,000 to be used to enhance the recipient's professional performance. During the year there was one recipient of the Jack Fellowship.