Program areas at Bloodstained Men
In 2020, Bloodstained Men began an interstate highway billboard campaign to raise public awareness of the harms of infant circumcision. We raised the necessary funds on social media fundraisers, and installed billboards on interstate highways in Illinois, Alabama and Pennsylvania, reaching millions of people. The impact of our billboard campaign was so strong that we continued the program in 2021, with billboards in Florida, Georgia, Texas, Ohio, and New York.
In the fall of 2021, we began to plan for our 21-day Southwest tour in February/March 2022, and had to prepay some travel expenses.
CIRCUMCISION CRISIS TOURS: PENNSYLVANIA IN 2021 - Small, traveling, volunteer advocate teams travel from city to city in order to facilitate educational and awareness-raising events at relevant conventions and other highly visible public locales which unite and motivate interested persons to take action for the genital integrity rights movement. Our events train demonstrators to do legal, peaceful street theater, leading by example in the use and design of effective signage by our volunteers, advocacy to passers-by and distribution of educational information. Each circumcision crisis event gains extensive attention from passersby, who amplify the genital integrity message by word of mouth and on social media. There are multiple instances of viral posts about our events that gain tens of thousands of social media shares and 7- and 8-digit engagement scores on some of our best-performing posts on social media. We also have a strong track record of triple digit numbers of instances of journalistic coverage in more traditional and mass-market media, local and national radio, print, TV, bloggers, etc., including Newsweek, Washington Times, Miami Herald, New York Daily News, Daily Mail, and many others. Our activities and information have most likely reached tens of millions of people.