EIN 47-2277386

Blue World Foundation

IRS 501(c) type
Num. employees
Year formed
Most recent tax filings
The Blue World Foundation's mission is to stabilize the population of marine species in danger, particularly sharks and rays in the Caribbean of Guatemala, by strengthening communities through science and creating alternative livelihoods that will eventually substitute fishing. They conducted one year of monitoring of shark landings in the communities of Las Lisas, Sipacate, and El Quetzalito, identifying over 3000 specimens to create a baseline for the Pacific of Guatemala as part of a national plan of action for management. The foundation is located in Miami Beach, FL.
Total revenues
Total expenses
Total assets
Num. employees

Program areas at Blue World Foundation

Guatemala (rufford Foundation) this was the third year of participatory monitoring landings of chondryctes in the communities of quetzalito and livingston in the caribbean of guatemala. Through this data we developed the first base line of chondryctes . The baseline will be integrated in the development of management plans for chondryctes and assessing non detriment findings to comply with cites agreements. Three new species were reported for the caribbean of guatemala: heptranchias perlo, scyliorhinus hesperius, neoharriotta carri. Megafauna monitoring (new england biolab) three times a year we monitored 12 points through bruvs (baited remote underwater video systems with the help of local fishermen from quetzalito and livingston. Samples were taken in bahia amatique: in livingston, bahia la graciosa, and the exterior of refugio de vida silvestre punta de manabique and faudora. Through this project we generate a landscape of the actual state of megafauna in the mesoamerican reef region. In this year we began the project, "participatory management of shark fishermen in the caribbean of guatemala". In the beginning of the project fishermen were given manuals and the necessary material to be able to conduct the research. In addition workshops took place to continue installing capacities for accurate shark landing monitoring, through measurements and pictures. At least 688 specimens of which 30 species of chondryctes were recognized: 26 sharks, 6 rays and i himaera. Two species of sharks were identified in bruvs ginglymostoma cirratum, nurse shark and a green turtle chelonia mydas there are 6 new specimens of sharks registered as well as 1 chimaera. To date 17 fishermen are participating in monitoring the area. In addition we have 12 young volunteers who have the capacities installed to monitor landings. In two distinct periods biological monitoring through scientific longlines took place in the same spots as the bruvs monitoring. We were able to capture and mark successfully three rays. In addition a juvenile sharkwas captured and successfully released. Control of the invasive species of lionfish through participation of the community of quetzalito in refugio de vida silvestre punta de manabique (marfund) lionfish is an invasive species in the reefs of the caribbean and are a threat sincethey unbalance ecosystems in the caribbean. Through the project 400 lionfish were removed and at least 12 recipes were created. The women of quetzalito participated in a cooking competition, were the women showed there talent and enthusiasm. The women also participated in a regional contest and were able to get second and first place for the two recipes they presented. Permaculture, as an ecosystem focus of agricultural production, in refugio de vida silvestre punta de manabique. This project took place in the schools of swiche iii, media luna, el quetzalito and san francisco del mar. The principal result of this project was the implementation of four permaculture orchards, were more than 10 students participated in the execution of the project using recyclable and organic material. The execution of this project allowed students sustainable techniques in order to grow food and to promote healthy eating. After the project many of the participants decided to grow their own vegetables for their own consumption 14 sons and daughter received a one year scholarship in 2016-2017 through our fundraising (private donations) since our beginnings fundacin mundo azul has implemented a program for scholarships for youth and children in the community of quetzalito. The beneficiaries are children and youth that are in elementary school, and high school, kin of shark fishermen. Through this project, we want to strengthen their development so in the future they can have better job opportunities. Fundacion mundo azul assumes the cost of educative materials and the monthly expenses. In addition, we involve the children and youth in activities related to environmental education. The results were 8 youth graduated high school. Roots & shoots sam (marfund) the project roots & shoots sam was implemented using the methodology of jane goodall's roots and shoots. The campaign chosen was to reduce the use of plastic in mexico, guatemala, honduras and belice. Through this project more than 4000 children participated, creating solutions and awareness to the plastic problem. Environmental education of sharks in the golf of honduras (united states federal government) fundacion mundo azul and cuerpos de conservacin de omoa created workshops for children in omoa honduras and quetzalito. The workshop taught children biology, ecology of sharks and the threats that are bringing them to extinction. The project taught children through puppet shows and other educative material the importance of sharks in our ecosystems. More than 3000 children participated in this activity and 500 coloring books were provided. Reduction of plastic use in livingston guatemala (rufford Foundation) a project is being implemented this year to continue our work with environmental education. This project has not been finished executed but we want to continue teaching children ways to reduce their plastic use. We also want to influence through them their families and close friends. This project will be executed by october 2018. Fish samples of super markets and markets in guatemala (save our seas) through this project we have taken samples from seafood in guatemala. These samples are being analyzed in Arizona to determine whether labelling is accurate in guatemala. We also want to find if endangered species of sharks are being sold in guatemala. Final results of this project will be ready in june 2018. Characterization of elasmobranch fishing in two communitiess in the pacific, were there are possible nursing areas of s. lewini for the last year we have been monitoring landings of sharks and rays in two communities in the pacific. The goal of this project is to have robust data to propose this are as a protected area, due to its importance as a nursing area for s. lewini. We will have finished the execution of this project in may 2018. Donations elisa areano the donations by elisa areano have paid for all salaries of the staff (5 persons) in addition it has cover administrative cost as well as overhead cost.

Who funds Blue World Foundation

Grants from foundations and other nonprofits
Luis Von Ahn FoundationGeneral Operating Funds$82,500
Conservation Food and Health FoundationProgram Support$27,772
Summit Charitable FoundationSeeking To Reduce Fishing Pressure in Caribbean Guatemala Through Alternative Livelihoods$10,750
...and 1 more grant received

Personnel at Blue World Foundation

Elisa AreanoPresident$0

Financials for Blue World Foundation

RevenuesFYE 12/2023
Total grants, contributions, etc.$212,946
Program services$0
Investment income and dividends$96
Tax-exempt bond proceeds$0
Royalty revenue$0
Net rental income$0
Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets$0
Net income from fundraising events$0
Net income from gaming activities$0
Net income from sales of inventory$0
Miscellaneous revenues$0
Total revenues$213,042

Form 990s for Blue World Foundation

Fiscal year endingDate received by IRSFormPDF link
2023-122024-05-08990View PDF
2022-122023-05-15990EZView PDF
2021-122022-08-24990EZView PDF
2020-122021-08-31990EZView PDF
2019-122020-12-07990EZView PDF
...and 4 more Form 990s
Data update history
October 20, 2024
Received grants
Identified 1 new grant, including a grant for $82,500 from Luis Von Ahn Foundation
August 9, 2024
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2023
July 11, 2024
Used new vendors
Identified 1 new vendor, including
December 27, 2023
Received grants
Identified 2 new grant, including a grant for $75,000 from Luis Von Ahn Foundation
July 4, 2023
Posted financials
Added Form 990EZ for fiscal year 2022
Nonprofit Types
Social advocacy organizationsWildlife protection organizationsAnimal organizationsCharities
Land and water conservationAnimalsWildlifeEnvironmentCommunity improvementPublic policy
State / local levelTax deductible donationsNo full-time employeesAccepts online donations
General information
1900 Purdy Ave Suite 803
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Metro area
Miami-Fort Lauderdale-Pompano Beach, FL
Miami-Dade County, FL
Website URL
(561) 694-8107
IRS details
Fiscal year end
Taxreturn type
Form 990
Year formed
Eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions (Pub 78)
NTEE code, primary
D30: Wildlife Preservation, Protection
NAICS code, primary
813312: Environment, Conservation, and Wildlife Organizations
Parent/child status
Free account sign-up

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