Program areas at BlueSky Global Ministries
Camp BlueSky seeks to make disciples through relational ministry with students, using experiential programs that reflect the adventure of following Christ. We do this through a traditional summer camp experience each June and July, as well as through special adventure camp events throughout the year. Serving youth ages 7-18, camp helps students embrace the adventure of learning new skills and conquering new challenges, all while experiencing the Gospel. Program costs include travel, hosting and training for our counselors, materials to run day to day camp activities, swag, and other camp costs. A portion of these costs are provided to a local charitable organization, Mountain Ministries.
BlueSky Community provides year-round relational ministry programs for middle and high school students, young adults, men's and women's retreats, family camp, and marriage retreats. We do this primarily through weekly discipleship groups, youth groups, spiritual retreat weekends, partnering with Camp BlueSky and BlueSky Adventures, and other special events throughout the year. Program costs include materials to run the discipleship and youth groups on a weekly basis, throwing special events during the year, putting on our spiritual retreat weekend, men's, women's, and marriage retreats. A portion of these costs are provided to a local charitable organization, Mountain Ministries.
BlueSky Adventures provides climbing, expedition trips, and team development services. Climb BlueSky is one of the only climbing gyms in East Africa. We build a diverse community by providing excellent climbing experiences. This provides our team with a perfect space to invite members of the local multinational community into relationships as we strive toward our ultimate hope of connecting them to Jesus. Our expedition program that guides people in outdoor adventure experiences, including hiking, camping, rock climbing, and more. These experiential trips naturally create heightened opportunities to deepen relationships and engage in conversations with clients about personal life, work, and beliefs. These multi-day excursions with smaller groups of participants give us deeper opportunities to build relationships and share the love of Jesus with people from all over the world.BlueSky's Team Development programs serve as another avenue to invest in our Nairobi community. Our team development facilitators work with local corporate, mission, school, and non-profit groups. While not explicitly "Christian," our programs teach invaluable concepts such as service, honesty, and trust. Program costs include day to day operations, hosting our annual climbing competitions, maintaining and replacing gear, expedition trip expenses, and capital improvements like maintaining our gym structures and fixing our element courses. A portion of these costs are provided to a local charitable organization, Mountain Ministries.