Program areas at Boley Centers
Boley Centers' exempt purpose is to provide residential housing programs with various levels of structure, supervision, independent living-skills teaching, counseling, rehabilitation and treatment services to individuals with chronic mental illness in pinellas county, Florida.
Supported housing/supported living program focuses services around community-based rehabilitative principles. Team members provide service and support to consumers that are designed to enhance the consumer's ability to acquire the skills and develop the support networks neccesary to live independently in a setting of their choosing. This includes establishing community integration, skill attainment and restoration of functional ability. Team members work closely with consumers and their family members to identify their individual areas of need. The team members then develop individual treatment plans designed to help the individuals acquire or restore skills and/or supports required to obtain their identified goals.
Boley housing services has provided housing and support to individuals with chronic mental illness since 1970. Boley currently owns and manages a total of 615 beds comprised of 62 group home beds, 45 safe haven beds, 38 transitional homeless supervised apartments, 191 permanent homeless apartment beds, 263 permanent supported housing apartment beds and 16 integrated apartment units. Additionally, Boley Centers acts as a housing authority and manages 382 housing vouchers for a total of 997 units of housing under manangement.
Vocational programs provide job development, job placement, job coaching, and follow-along services to Boley consumers. This program also assists individuals in achieving their chosen vocational goals. Individuals are assisted in understanding the meaning, value, and demands of working. Services provided are designed to determine a disabled indivuidual's physical capacity, learning styles, work habits, productivity level, academic achievement, aptitutdes, interests, occupational awareness, and social skills by utilizing a wide array of tests and equpment. Recipients are provided with the assessments, counseling and vocational services needed to obtain and maintain employment.