Program areas at Boy Scouts of America - Piedmont Council
The youth of the Piedmont Council Inc BSA participate in exciting indoor and outdooractivities for boys ages 6 to 14 and for young men and women ages 14 to 20. Theseyouth are under the guidance of trained volunteers who help them develop life skillsthey need to become leader and active citizens in their communities. These skills include interdependence, ethical decision making, conflict resolution, self esteem,literary skills, value systems, personal growth, leadership development, sexualresponsibility, positive peer relationhsips, mentoring skills, drug awareness education, teamwork, fitness, positive teen-adult relationships, school to workforceskills, emergency preparedness and all aspects related to character development development and citizen training. In 2009 the Council camped over 2000 Boy Scouts in the six week summer session and enjoyed over 1000 Cub Scouts participation in Day Camps. The Council administrates programs and activities to eleven western piedmont counties in North Carolina serving over 18000and 4000 adult volunteers. All youth, volunteer leaders, parent and general supporters have access to Council informantion through a monthly publication, Smoke Signals, and the council website. Any youth or leader is eligible to join the Scouting program if they are willing to subscribe to the BSAs Declaration of Religious Principle, the Policies and Bylaws of the Boy Scouts of America and satisfy the age and grade joining requirements. The Council is staffed by a college educatedstaffed by a college educated staff. Income is received from ten areas included in part, Friends of Scouting Campaign, project sales, activities, outdoor educational or environmental facilities, United Ways, sale of supplies and investments. An annual Council charter review is conducted to review the conditions of leadership, finance, stewardship, marketing administration and program through a document of 84 questions. Boy Scouting serves nationally close to five million members with over one million adult volunteers and reaches youth both nationally and internationally.