Program areas at The Ansley School
See sch o for complete description.academicsthe Ansley School currently serves kindergarten through 3rd grade and will continue to add a grade each year, eventually becoming a pre-k through 8th grade elementary and middle School. Our academic program is unique in that it takes into consideration The traumas associated with homelessness. To ensure we are providing adequate services, The first hour of each day is dedicated to assessing each student's social and emotional well-being. Our social services department consists of two onsite social workers and a School therapist, together they provide additional services to The students who may have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event prior to coming to School. The same intentionality is applied to academics. By using singapore math and amplify english/language arts assessment tools, teachers can evaluate each child's proficiency and create personalized academic plans (paps). In addition, we use map (measure of academic progress) pre, mid, and post-assessments to make sure our students are achieving national standards for learning. Our class sizes are capped at 15, making it possible for teachers to give adequate and purposeful attention to each student. To meet The personalized and differentiated needs of each student, we leverage academic interventionists to support lead classroom teachers in daily instruction and small group supportour family support program is designed to meet The needs of The whole child by supporting their families and helping create stable home environments. We understand that this process requires ongoing support services for parents and/or caregivers. By The time our families reach us, life has already happened- they have already experienced or been exposed to specific trauma(s) that have negatively impacted or halted their progression. The purpose of The family support program is to mitigate The effects of trauma, reverse The cycle of generational poverty in their families and help them gain permanent stability.during our intake and screening process, families are asked to complete The lifeworks self- sufficiency matrix (lw-ssm), a modified version of The Arizona self-sufficiency matrix. Research posits that The matrix is a reliable and valid measure to determine an individual's level of independence and quality of life across several domains which will allow The Ansley School to provide a more holistic approach to meeting a family's needs. The data is collected using charitytracker- a social services data system that is used in over 2,000 cities across The country tracking 3.5 million cases and over 10 million assistance records. Based on their average life domain score and self-identified goals, a family success plan is created that identifies steps to achieve each goal, available resources, and agreed-upon completion dates.through our family support program, we offer The following services: job placement, finding permanent housing, trauma therapy, transportation, emergency rental assistance, emergency shelter assistance, emergency utility assistance, and additional case-by-case need-based services. We also provide uniforms, School supplies, and two nutritious meals a day for students free of charge. To qualify for all wraparound services, parents are required to meet with The head of School, assistant principal, their social worker, and The School therapist to establish their family success plan. Parents then meet periodically with their assigned social worker to continue receiving support, assess progress and adjust as needed. Parents are also required to attend at least one of our monthly parent workshops and make sure their child(ren) has a minimum of 80% attendance. Lastly, for those who need it, our two small buses ensure that no matter how far "out of district" they may be. Our bus drivers do pick ups in fulton county, dekalb county, and clayton county.