Program areas at Boys and Girls Club of the Fox Valley
the bgcfv served 3,343 members, ages 5 to 18 and from 39 different Fox Valley area communities, in a wide array of positive youth development activities in five core program areas: education and career development, health & life skills, character and citizenship, the arts and sports, fitness & recreation. An average of 819 members participated in these programs each operating day. Membership and program service fees averaged $56 per member for the year. the three priority outcomes for the youth development activities are to increase academic success, improve healthy lifestyles, and improve character and citizenship. the bgcfv is the lead agency on the state grant which provides funding to other clubs in Wisconsin. During 2023, funding was provided to 26 Wisconsin Boys & Girls clubs.
the bgcfv's youth & family counseling program served 981 youth through 4,824 youth and youth and parent counseling and guidance sessions, all of which were provided at no charge to the youth and their families. 89% of clients surveyed report experiencing reduced symptoms.
the bgcfv's scholars on target to achieve results (star) program is a culturally-responsive academic engagement initiative that works to build equitable education opportunities for black/african american scholars in the appleton area school district. From september 2023 to march 2024, star served 299 young people with a 100% high school graduation rate (sy 22-23). Star has served 906 scholars since program inception in 2018.
the bgcfv's truancy reduction and assessment center (trac) served 332 students in 2023 through 1980 individual meetings. In sy 22-23, 95% of truant youth surveyed reported that trac helped them progress toward their goals while 90% students reported that their case manager connected them with additional resources to reach goals. Youth served were students in the appleton, little chute, and shiocton school districts.the bgcfv's center for grieving children provided compassionate peer support services at no cost to 575 children, teens and family members in 2023. 98% of clients surveyed (from our school and famiy night support groups) report that they had a better understanding of their feelings around grief. 100% of clients surveyed were satisfied with services through cgc. the bgcfv's homebase program reached 3,227 youth via outreach, 2,838 youth with prevention and awareness education via 101 presentations in area schools, 107 hotline connections serving 91 different youth/families, 387 youth received care packages, and 65 youth received one-on-one case management services, with 307 individual face-to-face appointments.