Program areas at Boys Club of Wake County
Social and group adjustment: we operate 7 clubs across Wake County to provide a safe place for school-aged youth to learn and grow. This service includes programs intended to instill good character and citizenship and to promote healthy lifestyles. Programs like youth of the year, kids voting, and keystone and torch leadership clubs help youth build a sense of connection with their community and build leadership skills. Programs like healthy habits, and smart moves drug resistance training, and healthy places/active spaces give kids a positive outlet for fun, constructive activities while building healthy foundations that will follow them for the rest of their lives. 3,267 youth are Club members, an average of 790 members attend throughout the school year, and an average of 694 members attend during the day in the summer.
Day camp: camp bti is a 162 acre outdoor recreation camp thatprovides hundreds of Club members the opportunity to experiencetraditional summer camp activities such as swimming, fishing,archery, canoeing, hiking and other outdoor activities.
Educational opportunities: this service helps youth explore theirinterests, build fundamental skills and think about continuingeducation beyond high school. Programs such as power hour, acollaborative stem initiative, the arts, and targeted literacyeducation help children excel in the classroom and prevent summerlearning loss during out-of-school time. More than 2,360 clubmembers participate in specialized learning programs during theyear.