Program areas at Boys Town Louisiana
Early Head Start Program is a program for children ages birth to three years of age and their families. Boys Town Louisiana, Inc. partners with four independent early childcare centers. Within this unique partnership, Boys Town Louisiana, Inc. offers three effective family-based programs to families that enroll their children in one of three centers. Those services include In-home Family Services, Common Sense Parenting, and Care Coordination Services. After providing families with a comprehensive needs assessment, these Boys Town Louisiana, Inc. services can help families better prepare for their transition into school by equipping them with necessary skills and linking them to the appropriate resources early and helping them advocate for their child and the community.
Intervention and Assessment Services provide temporary and/or emergency housing and care for abused, neglected, runaway, and delinquent male youth ages 12 to 17 by assessing their needs and assisting in the transition of moving the youth into more permanent living situations. The average length of stay is 60 days. When children leave, they may move on to another Boys Town Louisiana, Inc. program, other programs, or return home to their families.
Family Home Program consists of family homes for adolescents. This is a family style, community-based residential program, which can serve six to eight males or females, usually aged 12 to 17. Married couples called Family Teachers are the primary treatment agents, along with a full-time Assistant Family Teacher. Family Teachers are responsible for structured supervision of youth in daily living and treatment activities. The couple and their assistant work on both treatment and skill building in the home, and with community and family resources in the childs life. A major focus of this program is teaching older youth functional skills - that can help them achieve success in school, their families, and work settings. Boys Town Louisiana, Inc. has three residential homes in the Louisiana area.