Program areas at Boys Town South Florida
In-Home Family Services program creates a positive environment where children are safe, and where caregivers know how to serve as positive role models and nurturers and can provide for their familys personal and material needs. In many cases, a child is in danger of being removed from the home. Services are delivered to families in their own homes by trained family consultants who help parents build on their strengths and enhance or learn new parenting skills. Family consultants also teach family members how to create a safe, nurturing home for children, and how to use support resources to help them solve problems on their own. Treatment focuses on helping the whole family so children can stay in the home and parents can become better caregivers. The length and intensity of treatment depend on the familys needs and how likely it is that a child will have to be placed outside the home. Consultants and family members work together to develop individualized family service plans. In-Home Family Services can also be utilized to assist with reunification if a child has been removed
Outpatient Behavioral Health offers outpatient services to children of all ages who have serious emotional or behavioral problems, as well as family therapy. The clinic offers children and families a wide range of specialized services including psychoeducation, psychological testing, counseling, individual and family therapy. Staff actively works to coordinate care with the familys primary care physician, schoolteachers, and others to provide a comprehensive, inclusive approach that ensures long-term success.
Community Support Services include Care Coordination Services, Primary Project, Parent Child Plus Program, and Common Sense Parenting. Care Coordination Services provide intensive case-management services for families in or approaching crisis situations. Trained consultants work with local service agencies to help families build and maintain family stability, develop parenting skills, and access community resources. Care Coordination Services program provides a lifeline to children suffering from mental health issues by ensuring they receive the right care at the right time. In this intensive, family centered case management program, consultants help parents and caregivers navigate, access, and monitor the services their children need. Primary Project is an evidence-based program developed by the Childrens Institute. The goals of the program are to improve school adjustment and enhance childrens social and emotional well-being. Parent Child Plus Program is an evidence-based early childhood literacy, parenting, and school readiness program. Through intensive home visiting