Program areas at BIANJ
Support coordination provides case management services to individuals with developmental disabilities, including Brain injuries. The program identifies needed supports and services for the individual, develops a service plan, and manages their budget as allocated by the New Jersey department of human services, division of developmental disabilities. This program serves up to 288 individuals in seven New Jersey counties. This is a medicaid fee-for-service program.
Traffic safety and prevention initiatives include comprehensive campaigns to address transportation issues across all ages, throughout New Jersey, with a special emphasis in under-resourced areas. Peer to peer programs geared to teen and college aged drivers, pedestrian and wheeled sport safety, occupant safety and motorcycle safety are among some areas of focus. Bianj works closely with community partners to deliver safety messaging through workshops, social media and web resources. These programs are funded through the New Jersey division of traffic safety.
Tbi fund - provides public information and prevention education about Brain Injury. Public information is provided through many avenues including: the promotion of the tbi fund; outreach and training for people with Brain injuries, families, and allied health professionals; a resource library available on-line; websites and electronic newsletter (enews). Prevention education efforts are aimed at different age groups, and include targeted campaigns for youth ages 0-13, adolescents and seniors. Awareness and prevention campaigns include: transportation safety (including teen safe driving, distracted driving, wheeled sports and helmet safety), sports concussion; senior citizens and falls
The following is a description of the other programs offered by the alliance:community services is a multifaceted program that provides:1) support groups allow persons with Brain injuries and their family members to meet others in similar situations and gain valuable emotional support, form friendships, obtain information, and discuss a variety of Brain Injury topics. There are 20 alliance-affiliated support groups in New Jersey serving 17 counties.2) information and resources through a toll-free helpline with a live chat feature responding to over 800 requests per year and distribution of relevant materials responding to 800 requests per year, 3) education through a statewide seminar, electronic newsletters (enews) and websites. Facebook live events, webinars, and regional seminars on topics of interest.4) advocacy through informing the Brain Injury community and public policymakers about important issues and through chic, a group of self-advocates.trek is a residential camp program providing a week of independence, recreation and socialization for adults with Brain Injury and a week of respite for their caregivers.acl (administration for community living) and phwf (public health workforce grant) programs were established as part of the organization's division of disability services contract to help maintain staffing levels for the organization and help provide additional support to individuals with traumatic Brain injuries and their community support groups.