Program areas at Brazelton Touchpoints Foundation
Brazelton Touchpoints Project, Inc., (btf) supports the work of the Brazelton Touchpoints center (btc). Btc collaborates with providers, organizations, institutions, systems of care, and communities who understand that to improve outcomes for children, they must engage more effectively with families. To reach as many families and other caregivers as possible, we work through providers who have a unique opportunity to influence families during children's formative years. Btc provides professional and leadership development, organizational learning and change, and research and evaluation for family-facing professionals in pediatrics, early childhood education, child care, infant mental health, children's libraries and museums, home visiting, and child welfare. It is home to the Touchpoints approach, the Brazelton institute (which developed and trains on the newborn behavioral observation and the neonatal behavioral assessment scale), family connections, and the btc research and evaluation team. The vision of btc is a world in which every child experiences love, joy, and wonder and grows up to be an adult who can strengthen our communities' capacity for self-determination, cope with adversity, advance racial and economic equity, steward our planet's fragile resources, and experience the joy of nurturing the next generation to do the same. Every child is all our children.among other outcomes, the work of btc has had a demonstrated impact on: -measurable development outcomes (e.g., social-emotional and cognitive development) -strengthened parent-child bond leading to higher scores on measures of attachment (which are linked to later learning and educational performance) -reduced levels of parent/caregiver stress -increased parenting competence and confidence -increased parent/caregiver literacy activities with children -increased timely follow through on referrals for preventive health -improved quality of early education programs -improved collaboration and coordination of services across disciplines and organizations -sustained organization-wide changessince 1996, btc's work has reached more than 1.5 million families, 50,000 providers, 1,000 community-based Touchpoints trainers, 50 states and the district of columbia, 20 tribal communities, and five continents. Btf grants are made to support the general operating expenses of the Brazelton Touchpoints center and the center's work in specific geographic locations or with specific populations.
The btc speakers bureau is offered to groups and communities interested in parent, family, and community engagement and the early learning and healthy development of young children from before birth. Drawing on decades of expertise, experience, and contemporary research in healthy child and family development, btc's renowned faculty offer dynamic keynote addresses, presentations, and workshops to audiences around the world.btc faculty are available to address a number of topics in child and family development including: -Brazelton Touchpoints - a collaborative, strength-based approach to working with families in communities -child development -social-emotional development in children -contemporary parenting issues and stressors for families -risk and resilience in the face of childhood trauma -engaging families in children's development and early learning