Program areas at Bricks and Mortals
Venuely: Venuely is an easy-to-use website for sacred spaces to list spaces within their facility they would like to share, and allow artists, community groups, and others to rent those spaces. Many congregations are overwhelmed with surplus space, and are open to sharing space with other community minded and oriented groups, but often do not have a system or staffing in place to do so. Meanwhile, artists and community groups struggling to find adequate affordable space may not know local houses of faith could be made available - as well as have the necessary amenities, including heat, air conditioning, and multiple bathrooms. This helps congregations to not only survive through the post-pandemic world but to help them to thrive, enhancing their mission, by serving their community.
Advocacy: Advocacy for faith-based institutions' needs regarding real property, mission, and community service and educate the public and local officials regarding the same. This includes Policy Platform (eg, Platform for NYC's Next Mayor), Policy Briefings, and Actions. We Raise Public Awareness of the rich resources houses of worship provide to New York City regardless of faith, including social services, social justice advocacy, cultural programming, arts space, after-school programs, and community meeting space.
Sustainable Solutions for Sacred Sites: S4 grant is a five-year grant (2021-25) funded by the Lilly Endowment Thriving Congregations Initiative. We are partners with Partners for Sacred Places and Hartford Seminary. We Help You to Restore and Revive Your Sacred Real Estate. So your congregation can live another day to pray another way - restore and revive your sacred real estate, and continue to serve your community.
Partnership for Faith-Based Affordable Housing and Community Development: We advise faith-based institutions on how to maximize their NYC real property to support the ir mission, benefit of the community and continuation of their good work - with an emphasis and depth of resources in the areas of housing and homelessness alleviation.