Program areas at The Bridge Over Troubled Waters
Emergency shelter services increase The health, safety, and stability of any victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or homelessness. This is accomplished by providing safe shelter, on site childcare, nutrition, crisis intervention, and access to all advocacy and educational services, including legal advocacy and case management. During The year ended december 31, 2023, 1,283 adults and children were assisted for an average of 21 days. For The year ended december 31, 2023, total shelter days were 27,174.
Childcare services are offered to clients of The emergency shelter and long term housing programs. Such costs are allocated to The programs noted above. Individualized, age-appropriate services help children to heal from crisis and overcome developmental gaps. Services include support groups, counseling, enrichment trips, tutoring, mentoring, and public school advocacy. This program served 1,692 children during 2023.advocacy services advocacy services are provided to residential and nonresidential clients. Services include casework; a 24-hour hotline; information and referrals; safety planning; counseling; employment services; advocacy, legal, and 24-hour medical accompaniment; support groups; and life skills programs. This program served 18,891 individuals during 2023.
Long-term housing The transitional and permanent housing programs assist individuals and families in achieving self-sufficiency by subsidizing rent, subsidizing childcare, providing assistance in developing a long term plan, and providing access to all advocacy and educational services (described below). The long term housing program served 2,335 adults and children during 2023.
Education services The goals of this program are to prevent abuse by educating The community, including youth and children, about The myths, realities, and root causes of family violence and sexual assault; train professionals to identify and effectively serve victims of abuse; provide a safe atmosphere for victims of abuse to seek help; and provide awareness of agency services. This program was attended by 2,293 people in 2023.