Program areas at Bridge Trust-Usa
Support for the center for muslim and christian studies, houston (cmcsh) which promotes christian and muslim studies through local meetings, teaching online, and teaching at universities in houston. Cmcsh brings muslims and christians together to study each others scriptures in an atmosphere of respect that builds understanding and promotes truth. In 2022, five different online classes were offered and attended by over 50 students in 17 different countries around the world. We also offered a new certificate in muslim-christian studies.
Support of the institute for classical languages (icl), a bible college in bangladesh which promotes christian and muslim relations and also teaches courses in muslim-language bangla. During this academic year, 245 students took courses at icls 10 centers spanning the country. Icl also continued creating a new curriculum to pursue new accreditation.
Support for the oxford center for muslim christian studies (cmcso) which promotes christian/muslim studies within colleges of oxford university in england. Cmcso offers symposia, lectures, graduate advising, and tutoring. A number of books, papers, laymen guides, and other publications were published. During the academic year, cmcso hosted 1 international hybrid conference, 12 seminars and public lectures with 177 unique visitors from different countries. 19% of those visitors were from africa, asia, and the middle east.