Program areas at Babseacle
BABSEACLE worked collaboratively with universities, law faculties and organizational partners to develop and strengthen university- based Clinical Legal Education and Community Empowerment Programs throughout Asia. This was done through raising awareness about the issues faced by the communities we serve. We facilitate people-to-people exchanges, volunteer programs and legal training with the aim of building a network of legal professionals & community leaders to address the root causes of access to justice issues involved in the program included teachers and students at University Law Departments throughout the Asia region.
BABSEACLES Pro Bono and Legal Ethics Initiatives in Asia and globally. These initiatives, trainings, materials etc work with over 700 persons each year across the legal community including lawyers, legal service providers, legal educators, students, judges, government officials, and civil society professionals. All the initiatives are designed and delivered with a mandate of inspiring and building a strong committment to pro bono, legal ethics, rule of law, and justice education in the region and internationally.
BABSEACLE holds an externship clinic program to support and development, justice education, as well as pro bono and access to justice initiatives throughout the Asian region. Interns were placed in one of our partner universities in the region, to teach CLE English to law teachers and law students. The CLE English curriculum combines English comprehension with CLE content and methodologies. As well as teaching, interns also had the responsibility of helping to develop the CLE English case studies and curriculum through researching, contextualizing & creating independent lesson plans. More than 40 interns were placed in the program. Interns from more than 10 countries participated with placement between 2 - 6 weeks.