Program areas at Brightpoint
Child education -child education programs include the early head start and head start programs.the early head start program is a federally funded, early childhood program, created to break the cycle of poverty by providing services to children from low-income families. Home visitors come into the home weekly to provide family services and work with parent and child on activities based on their child's age and family needs.the head start program provides preschool services and social services for parents of children ages 3-5 years old. Preschool children receive education, health, mental health, nutrition, dental, vision, and hearing fiscal year 2023, 7933 participants were served with these programs.
Self-sufficiency - provides assistance to aid clients in achieving self-sufficiency through transportation, family development, enrollment in health insurance programs, job training for youth, and other fiscal year 2023, 18039 participants were served with these programs.
Weatherization and energy -the weatherization program provides free, energy-efficient improvements for the homes of low-income families. Improvements may include insulating attics, walls and mobile home bellies, as well as, repairing poorly installed heating system equipment or leaking ducts, and some furnaces. The energy assistance programs include both heating and summer cooling assistance. The energy assistance program pays a portion of a client's winter heating bills. Summer cooling also provides air conditioners or utility bill credits in summer months, depending on a family's situation. The energy assistance programs assists a client with a one-time benefit that is applied to their winter heating bills. Summer assistance is based on whether there are funds left from the heating season. Program year 2021 only allowed for summer crisis benefits to be available to the most vulnerable population (elderly, disabled, households with children under the age of 5 and veterans). Clients must be in disconnect or disconnected already on their electric bill. It is a one time $200 benefit. In fiscal year 2023, 16,468 families were served by these programs.
Housing - housing programs include housing choice voucher program and permanent supportive housing program. The housing choice voucher program is a federally funded rental assistance program that provides vouchers for eligible households to help pay rent on privately owned homes or apartments of their choosing. Rental units are required to pass a housing quality standards inspection. Generally a family receiving assistance pays at least 30 percent of its monthly adjusted gross income for rent and utilities. The permanent supportive housing program provides permanent housing in conjunction with supportive services to help homeless people with disabilities and their families. Housing vouchers help pay a portion of the family's rent and are designed for people who are homeless and disabled. Clients must be hud defined homeless and disabled. Rental units are required to pass a housing quality standards inspection. In fiscal year 2023 an average of 327 families were assisted each month, through the housing choice voucher program, with housing assistance payments across ten counties in Northeast an north central Indiana. An average of 81 families were assisted, through the permanent supportive housing program, with monthly rental assistance payments across six counties in Northeast Indiana.
Child care development - the child care development fund program provides child care subsidies to low-income working families and families pursuing education with the goal of lifting the family out of poverty. Over 96% of the families served are headed by a single parent. On average 96% of the families served have employment as their service need. 25% of the families had copayments, at an average of 7.6% of their income. 72% of the families are below the poverty level, 10% of the families are above 127% of the poverty level. 62% of the children served are 0-5 years of age. In fiscal year 2023, we assisted 5,237 families with $5,991,829 in child care subsidies.
Nutrition - 53,013 meals were served to head start children
Linkages with other programs.
Agency operations