Program areas at Brite Divinity School
Brite Divinity School educates and inspires people to serve god's diverse world as leaders in churches, the academy, and public life. See schedule o for more.brite Divinity School educates and inspires people to serve god's diverse world as leaders in churches, the academy and public life. Approximately 116 individuals from more than 24 different denominations and 6 countries across the globe attend Brite. Degrees offered include master of Divinity (m.div. ), master of arts in theology and ministry (m.a.t.m. ), master of theological studies (m.t.s. ), master of theology (th.m. ), doctor of ministry (d.min. ), doctor of philosophy (ph.d.), as well as collaborative degrees with the neeley School of business at tcu (m.div./m.b.a., m.a.t.m./m.b.a. And m.t.s./m.b.a.) And the tcu department of social work (m.div./m.s.w., m.a.t.m./m.s.w., and m.t.s./m.s.w.). Brite also offers seven certificate programs that can be incorporated into the m.div., m.t.s., m.a.t.m. And certificate of theological studies programs. Essential to and in support of the degree programs and faculty research is our library with over 178,000 printed volumes and 49,000 bound periodicals, plus e-books, journals and related indices. All faculty members have a terminal degree in their field. A long-term goal of the School has been to make theological education affordable and accessible, and as a result, approximately 86% of Brite's students receive financial aid funded by Brite.
Research and related programs enhance the life of Brite and its constituents. The research and related program services are projects organized specifically to enhance the mission of the Divinity School. Work is internally and externally funded, often by multi-year grants. Faculty receive regular research leaves and travel support that assists in the presentation and publication of papers and books.
Brite's leibrock village apartments provide conveniently located affordable housing for students and their families. The village consists of 56 units in three separate buildings arranged to promote community to the fullest. Two full-time staff are employed for the benefit of the facility.
In addition to and in support of granting degrees, Brite provides field education training through its supervised ministry program. Students are placed in a variety of churches and agencies throughout the area to enhance the integration of classroom learning and ministerial practice. Continuing education opportunities are provided for area ministers and lay leaders, including ministers week and stalcup School for the laity. Further enriching the experience of students are relevant speakers at weekly chapel services and other focused events.