Program areas at Brookstone Schools of Mecklenburg County Brooktone Schools
Academics: Faith-based accredited school that provides Kindergarten through Eighth Grade education to inner city, under-resourced students. This incudes Core Curriculum, Physical Education, Music, and Tutoring.
Summer Camp: Six week program provided for rising Kindergarten through Eighth Grade. Reading and math academics are covered in the morning to help reduce learning loss. Recreational, educational activities and Field Trips are experienced in the afternoon.
After School: Two hour care provided to registered Kindergarten through Eighth Grade students.[Homework, tutoring, planned activities]
Middle School Sports:This program is designed to provide valuable life skills of leadership and dedication through teamwork and physical activity.
Programming provides a safe place for students to express their feelings and learn ways to cope with anxiety and other emotional issues.
Learning Center: Additional academic services are provided to Kindergarten through Eighth Grade who need more intervention with reading skills.
Pathways: This course is for Eighth Grade students to assist in choosing a High School to further their education. Guidance is provided to families.