Program areas at Brown Memorial Foundation
Operation and maintenance of Brown Memorial home and duplexes for senior citizens. The home offers all necessary services for full permanent care of ambulatory aged persons without respect to religion, national origin or race. The home can accommodate some 40 residents and generally all available resident rooms are occupied. A nominal monthly charge is made to each resident, while the substantial and remainder cost of operating the home is borne by the Foundation in its charitable capacity.
Operation and maintenance of Brown Memorial park consisting of approximately 200 acres. The facilities in the park, available without charge to church groups, civic groups and the public in general, include permanent restroom buildings, shelter houses, picnic tables, masonry outdoor fireplaces, frisbee golf course, nature trail, expansive grassy areas and numerous trees and an extensive system of roads and bridges. One home is maintained in order that personnel of the Foundation may live on the premises as a means of facilitating their work. As there is no accurate method for counting persons using the Brown Memorial park, it is estimated that 5,200 visitors used the facilities during the year.
Maintenance and improvements to camp Brown and camp mary dell, camp Brown is a boy scout camp operated by the coronado area council of the boy scouts of america. Substantial contributions are made to the scout camp in a continuing and ongoing program of maintenance and improvements. There were 12 separate programs and 13 weekends of usage at the camp for camping and training purposes. It is estimated that over 2,831 participants used the camp during the current year. Camp mary dell offers a wide range of camping activities for groups such as family gatherings, weekend retreats, men and women's groups, bible camps, vacation bible schools and group camps. 48 organizations and groups (some 1,080 campers) made use of the camp during the year.
Home revenue is the nominal charge made to Brown Memorial home
Residents. The charge covers about 30% of the operating costs of
The home.
Camp reservations are the modest charges made to organizations
And groups using camp mary dell.