Program areas at Bryn Mawr College
Instruction: during the year, Bryn Mawr College's enrollment consisted of approximately 1,451 full and part-time undergraduate students and 317 graduate and professional students. In fy2023, Bryn Mawr conferred 325 bachelor's degrees; 56 post-baccalaureate certificates; 88 master's degrees and 12 doctoral degrees. Seventy-eight percent of full-time undergraduate students received some form of financial aid. The average aid award was $62,230. In addition, during fiscal year 2023, the College provided $1.3 million in subawards to other institutions for instruction in critical languages.
Public service and civic engagement: Bryn Mawr College's phebe anna thorne school has been serving families in the greater philadelphia area for more than sixty years. The thorne school continues to offer developmentally oriented, child-centered pre-school and kindergarten programs. Civic engagement collaborates with community-based organizations to prepare students to be socially responsible leaders and citizens through purposeful action, reflection, and learning. A wide variety of programs include providing direct service such as tutoring, tax preparation, mentoring, and leadership training, and reflecting on that service inside and outside of a classroom setting. (see schedule o) this dynamic combination of the practical and the academic helps shape students' professional goals, gives them real work experience, and provides the philadelphia metropolitan area with much-needed services.
Research: since its founding in 1885, the College has maintained its character as a small residential community College which fosters close working relationships between faculty and students. The faculty of teachers/scholars emphasizes learning through conversation and collaboration, primary reading, original research and experimentation. The College's faculty research support program reflect a strong institutional commitment to faculty scholarship and to the relationship between teaching and research.