Program areas at Cactus and Succulent Society of America
THE CSSA HOLDS A CONVENTION EVERY OTHER YEAR WHERE MEMBERS ENJOY TALKS BY LEADING SPEAKERS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. THE 39th Biennial CONVENTION WAS HELD IN COLORADO SPRINGS, CO from July 12 to July 16 2023. The convention program included national and international renowned speakers on cactus and succulent topics of interest to all attendees. field trips were arranged to visit remarkable gardens along the Front Range, visits to wild cactus populations and trips that can include the Cog railway to the top of Pikes Peak, Manitou Springs, the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, the Broadmoor Air Force Academy and much more. The convention included world class vendors with both common and rare cacti and succulents for sale.
The Cactus and Succulent journal is published four times per year and appeals to amateur and advanced hobbyists, nurserymen, academic botanist and everyone in between. The cssa has published the journal since 1929. Recent back issues and older volumes can be purchased on dvd. Hasiltonia is the technical yearbook of the cssa. It is published in full color and features peer-articles about all aspects of Cactus and succulents. Serious students of Succulent flora, botanist, taxonomists, researchers and orticulturalists will find haseltonia a valueable addition to their book collection. Back issues are available. The cssa is building a library of specialty books. We currently have three books: the beginners guide to haworthia, agave, and other Succulent monocots; aloes of the Cactus Succulent journal; and beginners guide to adromischus, aeonium, udleya and Succulent dicots. More are planned.
EACH YEAR THE CSSA HAS A PLANT SHOW AND SALE AT THE HUNTINGTON BOTANICAL GARDENS IN SAN MARINO, CA. THE 56TH ANNUAL SHOW WAS HELD JUNE 23-25, 2022. Rare specimens from around the world WERE BEAUTIFULLY showcased, including plants native to Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Botswana, Madagascar, and the Middle East. The juried competition includeD categories for photography, paintings, crafts, and dish gardens. THE BEST VENDORS FROM THE SOUTHWEST CAME TO SELL THOUSANDS OF RARE PLANTS.