Program areas at California Foundation on the Environment & the Economy
CFEE held four conferences focused on a variety of topics within our issue areas.Key accomplishments in our conferences during 2023 included:1. Assessing how many new energy projects are needed to meet state climate goals, considering how to move more quickly in building new energy infrastructure, and evaluating opportunities to manage rising costs.2. Examining existing and potential future funding sources for roadways and public transit, identifying land use policies that align housing and transportation needs, the buildout of Californias growing electric vehicle market and charging stations, and developing transportation solutions that work for urban and rural communities alike.3. Understanding federal and state funding opportunities to deploy broadband networks, highlighting solutions to build communications infrastructure more efficiently while still incorporating community feedback, considering Californias role in cybersecurity, and learning about the development of artificial intelligence, including its risks and benefits.4. Evaluating Californias progress in becoming more resilient to weather extremes, studying the energy-water nexus, leveraging data to make more informed water management decisions, and identifying options to addressing rising prices in the water sector.
CFEE conducted four study travel projects in 2023. The projects facilitate handson learning in our key issue areas.CFEE conducted a study travel project to Denmark to learn how the small nation is leading the world with its commitment to carbon capture and storage and offshore wind energy technologies. The program also highlighted what is being done in Denmark to develop a carbon-neutral agricultural sector while ensuring food security and water supply sustainability.The second study travel project was held in British Columbia and Alberta, and it focused on the circular economy and recycling. The program featured best practices on recycling construction materials, bottle and can reuse and recycling, developing composting infrastructure, carbon capture usage and sequestration, plastics reduction and recycling, and the transition to zero waste communities and businesses. The third study travel project was in California where the program highlighted best practices and new technologies in Southern California. Featured projects included water reuse and storage facilities, workforce training for energy and construction workers, the transition to hydrogen fuels at power plants and in homes, refining of Californias special blend of gasoline and jet fuel, geothermal and lithium extraction in the Salton Sea, nuclear fusion research, tribal partnerships with state and local government, and public transit and rail development.Our fourth and final tour brought CFEE to France to learn how nuclear energy is a key climate strategy providing carbon-free baseload energy for the French and European electricity grid. Additionally, the program explored how France built, finances, and operates its high speed rail system, one of the most successful networks in the world. The study tour also highlighted climate adaption for farming practices and the transition to lower carbon fuels in the shipping and aviation industries.