EIN 68-0417507

California Mobility Fund

IRS 501(c) type
Num. employees
Year formed
Most recent tax filings
The California Mobility Fund supports organizations advocating for equitable, inclusive, and prosperous communities where bicycling enables all Californians to l. Its main efforts support the charitable advocacy and education work of the California Bicycle Coalition (CBC), emphasizing bike safety improvements. The CMF produces the biennial California Bicycle Summit, which gathers stakeholders together for discussion.
Related structure
California Mobility Fund is a subordinate organization under California Bicycle Coalition.
Also known as...
California Bicycle Coalition Education Fund; Califoria Bicycle Coalition; Calbike
Total revenues
Total expenses
Total assets
Num. employees

Program areas at California Mobility Fund

The CMFs main efforts were in support of the charitable advocacy and education work of the California Bicycle Coalition (CBC), especially its advocacy to expedite bicycle safety improvements. We began planning for the next biennial California Bicycle Summit, which will gather around 300 bicycle organizers, transportation planners, and city officials for 2 days of workshops, breakout sessions, and presentations related to bicycling, active transportation, mobility, and public safety, in April 2024. We continued to monitor and worked to improve Caltrans complete streets policy that requires the consideration of bike and pedestrian safety facilities in every road repair project. e-Bike AdvocacyCalifornia Mobility Fund continued our campaign to support and steward the states E-Bike Purchase Incentive Program, managed by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). The CMF has engaged in public education and outreach to ensure the program is broadly adopted, attending public work group meetings, consulting with CARB and program administrator Pedal Ahead, and garnering an email interest list of over 19,000 specific to the program. The ongoing advocacy of the California Bicycle Coalition has made clear the enormous demand for accessible sustainable transportation like e-bikes.Regional Organization SupportCMF serves as a fiscal sponsor for several young regional bicycle coalitions. The Motherlode Bicycle Coalition is a very small volunteer-led group that promotes safer bicycling in the Sierra Foothills adjacent to the northern San Joaquin Valley. They participate in regional committees such as the Caltrans District 10 Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee to advise on bicycle issues, coordinate and support recreational bicycles rides, and support growth of bicycle tourism in the region. Transport Oakland works to support the enactment of safe, sustainable and equitable transportation policies in Oakland.

Who funds California Mobility Fund

Grants from foundations and other nonprofits
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift FundFor Grant Recipient's Exempt Purposes$222,275
The California EndowmentGeneral Operating Support: To Support An Organization That Promotes Racial Justice and Health Equity Through Policy and System Change Efforts Meant To Support More Walkable and Bikeable Communities Across California.$75,000
Schwab Charitable FundArts, Culture & Humanities$19,600
...and 6 more grants received

Personnel at California Mobility Fund

Kendra RamseyExecutive Director
Kevin ClaxtonDirector of Advancement
Andrew WrightCommunications Director
Jared SanchezPolicy Director
Cynthia RoseChair$0
...and 5 more key personnel

Financials for California Mobility Fund

RevenuesFYE 06/2023
Total grants, contributions, etc.$449,250
Program services$793
Investment income and dividends$138
Tax-exempt bond proceeds$0
Royalty revenue$0
Net rental income$0
Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets$0
Net income from fundraising events$0
Net income from gaming activities$0
Net income from sales of inventory$0
Miscellaneous revenues$0
Total revenues$450,181

Form 990s for California Mobility Fund

Fiscal year endingDate received by IRSFormPDF link
2023-062024-05-14990View PDF
2022-062023-10-09990View PDF
2021-062022-05-13990View PDF
2020-062021-05-28990View PDF
2019-062021-02-09990View PDF
...and 9 more Form 990s
Data update history
October 24, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 4 new personnel
October 23, 2024
Received grants
Identified 1 new grant, including a grant for $5,250 from American Endowment Foundation
July 17, 2024
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2023
May 18, 2024
Received grants
Identified 4 new grant, including a grant for $75,000 from The California Endowment
December 2, 2023
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2022
Nonprofit Types
School foundationsGrantmaking organizationsSocial advocacy organizationsChapter / child organizationsCharities
EducationArts, cultural, and humanities
Funds one specific organizationProvides grantsLobbyingPartially liquidatedPeer-to-peer fundraisingState / local levelFundraising races, competitions, and tournamentsTax deductible donationsFiscal sponsorAccepts online donations
General information
1017 L St #288
Sacramento, CA 95814
Metro area
Sacramento-Roseville-Folsom, CA
Sacramento County, CA
Website URL
(916) 258-5189
IRS details
Fiscal year end
Taxreturn type
Form 990
Year formed
Eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions (Pub 78)
NTEE code, primary
B11: Education Single Organization Support
NAICS code, primary
813312: Environment, Conservation, and Wildlife Organizations
Parent/child status
Subordinate organization
California AB-488 details
AB 488 status
May Operate or Solicit for Charitable Purposes
Charity Registration status
Current - Awaiting Reporting
FTB status revoked
Not revoked
AG Registration Number
FTB Entity ID
AB 488 data last updated ("as-of") date
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