Program areas at California Water Efficiency Partnership
Research & programs development leak detection and repair certification training with valley water-1 report on findings published-5 focus groups conducted -webinar-december 15, 2022calscape nursery training-held 2 advisory committee meetings of calwep members to review and expand the nursery training.
Membership-as of december 31, 2022, calwep had 220 members, including 11 new members. -active committees include program, research, peer to peer planning, members task force, advocacy, and equity. There are 82 members engaged in committeescalwep published 11 calwep connects in 2022.the following changes/upgrades were made to -a drought resource hub was launched-1 new implentation guide posted on ami-1 new implementation guide posted on fire-resilient landscaping-3 blogs published and updates to the what the framework?! Blogstrategic planning -in august following a board-driven process, a strategic planning workshop will take place for 2023-2026.
Technical assistance & training the report, advancing Water resource management through team collaboration was published.1. Webinar on framework tracking tools (w/ awe & swrcb) 166 attendees2. 2 roadmaps in development3. 4 cutsheets developed for members4. 1 cii classification guidance doc startedqualified Water efficient landscaper training-116 professionals were trained and certified-6 online classes were held -95% exam pass ratevalley Water landscape summit-developed and conducted a landscape summit in the valley Water service area in 2022. -featured topic: native plants-135 virtual attendees publications -1,500 landscape maintenance guides sold.-21,322 english practical plumbing handbooks sold-730 spanish pph sold smart rebates-6 agencies participating-259 rebates approved-$38,675 in rebates issued. Flume direct. Distribution program-13 agencies participating in program.-3,580 devices installed.rachio direct distribution program-14 agencies participating in program.-1,021 devices installed.
Member training & events peer to peer -june 1-2 in sacramento state harper alumni room-featured topic: contraversial statements - the future of Water Efficiency -$60,000 in sponsorships -240 attendeesspring plenary- march 9 at the Water conservation garden el cajon -hosted by California american waterfeatured topic: new cii landscape Water use Efficiency regulations-172 attendees fall plenary- september 8 at the oakland center-hosted by ebmud-featured topic: what you need to know from the state -143 attendeeswinter plenary - december 7 located at city of oceanside library-hosted by city of oceanside-featured topic: trends in Water use and longterm framework-188 attendeescatalyst + west - december 7-9 at city of oceanside-featured topic: using science of story to boost the power and success of your communications-hosted by city of oceanside-60 attendees peer to peer -in-person event- -240 attendees with 14 sessions held over two days in may-$60,000 in sponsorships collaboration webinar- featuring ebmud, mnwd and austin water-84 attendees nov. 2022