Program areas at Californians For Justice Education Fund
Advancing racial justice through Relationship Centered Schools CFJ engaged more than 300 youth (78 in Long Beach, 117 in Fresno, 65 in San Jose, and 49 in Oakland) in leadership development and advocacy work at both the local and state levels. CFJ San Jose youth organized and secured a commitment from East Side Union High School District to a 3 week restorative restart for the fall allowing 3 weeks of students and staff making space to build relationships, center racial justice, equity and the needs of students and families as they return to campus. CFJ Long Beach won their campaign for LBUSD to prioritize student health and resources for Black students in their budget this spring. The district is committing $1.6 million to establish wellness centers at every high school campus going forward. CFJ Oakland won a district commitment of $9 million to a mental health resolution prioritizing support for students as they return to campus. CFJ Fresno organized the Fresno Unified School District to expand the scope of ethnic studies in the district by using a racial justice lense across their courses and curriculum. Using a double equity approach, Fresno Unified will also pay student leaders to gather and record this feedback from their peers and community.
Building power across the state CFJ, as part of our coalition work with the CA Partnership for the Future of Learning, impacted state policies coming out of the historic $34B budget investment from state and federal COVID recovery funds to provide infrastructure and resources for building racially just schools.
Advocacy Achievements $3 billion to launch a statewide community schools initiative in up to 1,400 schools. This effort will provide funding for transformational and collaborative leadership, culturally relevant curriculum and teaching, community and student wellness hubs on campus, expanded access to enrichment and redesigned schedules through 2028. Increased Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Base, Supplemental, & Concentration funding to $21,439 per pupil vs. $12,143 per pupil just 2 years ago. Over $700 million in investments to mental health supports, including expanding and strengthening school and county partnerships and capacity, along with establishing an Office of School-Based Health Programs.