Program areas at Calvin Coolidge Presidential Foundation
The Coolidge Foundation hosts programs around the country that seek to educate and to perpetuate the memory and legacy of President Calvin Coolidge. In addition to programs described in 4b and 4c, these programs include a national high school debate program that emphasizes Coolidge related topics, content, and instruction, a Coolidge-themed event/lecture series, the Coolidge review, a bi-weekly e-newsletter, an active website with educational materials including an on-line archive of Coolidge primary source documents, and history education programs at the President Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site for students of all ages. In 2023 the foundation hosted a national celebration of the centennial of Coolidge's presidential inauguration. events included a major conference at the Library of Congress, a commemoration at the Coolidge Homestead in Vermont, and the release of a new educational documentary.
Coolidge Senators Program -- The Coolidge Senators Program honors the top applicants to the Coolidge Scholarship by hosting them at the annual Coolidge Senators Summit. At the Summit, the students learn about Calvin Coolidge, attend seminars with nationally known policy experts and business leaders, and take part in formal debates on issues in public policy. The students remain engaged with the Coolidge Foundation through the Coolidge Senators Network.
The Coolidge Scholarship The Foundation operates, with its supporting organization the Calvin Coolidge Presidential Fund, a merit scholarship program that awards full undergraduate scholarships to outstanding high school students. The scholarship program attracts thousands of students each year, each of whom learns about President Coolidge and his values through the course of applying for the scholarship. The Coolidge Foundation conducts a rigorous, multi-stage, review process that culminates with interviews with a finalist jury. Since 2016, thirty-seven Coolidge Scholarships have been awarded. Finalists are also awarded a smaller one-time scholarship. The chief criterion is academic excellence. Secondary criteria include interest in policy, appreciation of the values Coolidge championed, humility, and service.