Program areas at Camp Alexander Mack
The summer camp program provides supportive small and large group communities, promotes nature and science education, develops outdoor skills, encourages healthy physical activity in the outdoors, and facilitates personal faith journeys. The program builds camper confidence by providing the environment and activities that support personal challenge and growth. Campers are given options for camp experiences determined by the grade levels completed in school. It is an overnight residential camp with 3-day, 5-day, and 6-day camps based on grade level and interest. Additionally, day camps are offered during the three scheduled week-long breaks for local school districts. This is to provide positive and healthy supervision of kindergarten through grade 5 students during these periods.
Camp Alexander Mack provides facilities and support services to schools, universities, churches, special interest groups, civic groups, and recovery programs for retreats, education, and meetings. Many of these communities have a long-standing relationship with Camp Mack and have built their programs on the activities and facilities unique to this venue. Many of these organizations utilize program options including formal and informal outdoor education classes, challenge opportunities on high and low ropes courses, structured waterfront activities, leadership development, and team-building.
Camp Alexander Mack provides hospitality for summer camps that run their own programs one week or less and do not own other facilities. Working in partnership with Church of God, Northern Indiana Diocese of the Episcopal Church, New Happenings Ministries, Indiana Deaf Camps, Indiana 4-H, American Baptists of Chicago, Nappanee Missionary Church and Camp Del-Ja-Ri (a camp for children with rheumatic diseases), camping experiences in support of education, physical health, faith development and character building are provided in a beautiful outdoor setting.